
New World Console – Is it Coming to PS4 and Xbox One?

New World has broken multiple records since launching on PC and it’s easy to see why it would be a hit on console. The question of whether the game will arrive on PS4 and Xbox One is a common one but at this point it doesn’t seem likely to happen.

The studio has flatly said no to the new world console on multiple occasions. Most recently, in response to a Twitter user who asked about a console release, the studio tweeted that the game is “exclusively on PC” with no plans to bring it to consoles.

It makes sense that the studio wouldn’t want to risk messing with the game’s balance of PvP and social elements by bringing it to console. It would also probably require separate servers to make sure console players don’t disrupt PC gamers’ experience and that’s a huge undertaking for a team that already has its hands full with the base game.

How to Equip the Right Weapon

When it’s working as intended, New World is a lot of fun. It expertly blends the survival mechanics of games like The Division with the expansive content and social aspects that define MMOs. When it’s not, though, the game suffers from a series of irritating bugs and some particularly annoying design choices that could turn off even die-hard MMORPG fans.

The open beta has just finished, letting new players try the game out ahead of its launch on September 28th, 2021. The developers have been responsive to player feedback and seem determined to keep the game stable as it expands. However, that doesn’t mean it will be free from the blemishes that plague most early-release PC games.

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